Municiberg Skyview

A map of Municiberg and its surroundings
Municiberg is the city featured in The Incredibles and Incredibles 2. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and Frozone used to protect it during the Glory Age of Supers.
In contrast to the more nature-based environments of the Incredibles, the backdrop for the Parr family to fight crime is an urban environment.
Seen in the prologue, this is where Mr. Incredible went when he was distracted when an old woman's cat Squeakers was stuck in a tree while attempting to chase down some criminals in the Incredibile. In the process, he uproots the tree, causing it to crash down on the criminal's car.
Municiberg Bank[]
Mr. Incredible crashes into the bank in an effort to save a man, Oliver Sansweet, who jumped from the top of the building. He then has a face-off with the villain, Bomb Voyage, who was in the process of stealing the bank's money.
Train Bridge[]
This bridge was destroyed by explosives by Bomb Voyage, prompting Mr. Incredible to try to prevent the train from falling off the bridge.
This church is where Bob's and Helen's wedding is held.
- The name can be translated as "duty holder's castle".