The Incredibles Wiki

The Omnidroids (voiced by Brett Goldstein) are one of the secondary antagonists (alongside Mirage) of The Incredibles. They are a series of superhero-killing battle robots created by the supervillain Syndrome as part of Operation Kronos.


As a result of Mr. Incredible rejecting Buddy Pine in his childhood, Buddy adopted the moniker Syndrome and strived to wipe out all Supers, as part of a plan to make the term 'Super' meaningless. To do this, he created a robot that he called an Omnidroid, with the intent of eventually creating an Omnidroid strong enough to kill Mr. Incredible, who was the greatest threat to his plans. The Omnidroids are programmed with artificial intelligence that allows them to learn as it fights its opponents and to solve any problem they encounter. Syndrome would pit retired Supers against a prototype version of the robot, collecting data on the fight as it progressed. If that version was defeated, he would use the collected battle data to develop a new, improved model to use against the Super that had defeated the previous unit, thereby repeating the cycle. This process killed off many potential threats to Syndrome's plans and allowed him to perfect the robot for the final phase of the operation.

Omnidroid v.X1[]


Article: Omnidroid v.X1

The Omnidroid v.X1 was the first of the learning battle robots created by Syndrome.


The v.X1 features a pair of continuous tracks for treaded locomotion, an omni-sensory display, and two bi-articulated (two-fingered) grappling claws.


The robot was created at an unknown time before Mr. Incredible came to Nomanisan Island, presumably several years. The v.X1 killed Universal Man, Psycwave and Everseer. It was destroyed by Macroburst an unknown time later.

Omnidroid v.X2[]


Article: Omnidroid v.X2

The Omnidroid v.X2 is the second of the deadly Super-killing robots, after the destruction of its predecessor by Macroburst.


This second iteration is similar to the Omnidroid v.X1, with an omni-directional sensory display and the same kind of bi-articulated grappling claws. However, its tracks were replaced with two legs for bi-pedal locomotion.


The Omnidroid v.X2 killed Macroburst, Phylange, Blazestone and possibly other Supers before its destruction at the hands of Downburst.


  • The v.X2 was the first of the Omnidroids to have legs, a trait inherited by subsequent robots.

Omnidroid v.X3[]


This is the third Omnidroid prototype built, after the v.X2 was destroyed by Downburst.


The v.X3 boasts suspended tri-pedal legs with grappling claws, along with a new unidirectional sensory array.


This third version in the Omnidroid series killed Downburst and possibly others. It was eventually destroyed by Hypershock.


  • The computer graphic used for the v.X3 is an unintentional repeat of the v.X1's.
  • It was the first Omnidroid to feature a multi-legged design.

Omnidroid v.X4[]

Omnidroid v

This is the fourth robot created by Syndrome, after the previous prototype was defeated by Hypershock.


The Omnidroid v.X4 features a set of four legs with grappling claws, along with a quadra-directional sensory array.


The v.X4 killed Hypershock, Apogee, Blitzerman, Tradewind, Vectress and 2 unknown supers. It was destroyed by Gazerbeam.


  • The v.X4's egg-shaped body was the first step in the transition to the distinctive spherical body design that would be used by 6 and later robots.
  • The number of legs and the quadra-directional sensory array are unabashed references to how it is the fourth Omnidroid built.
  • There is a leaping artillery droid enemy in the Incredibles video game that somewhat resembles the v.X4, but it has three legs, no grappling claws, two cannons for launching bombs and a sensor cluster.

Omnidroid 5[]

Omnidroid 5

After the v.X4's destruction by Gazerbeam, this was the fifth unit developed as part of Operation Kronos' training sessions.


Like its predecessor, it features four legs with grappling claws, but with a redesigned body and a sensor cluster, being much flatter and longer than the v.X4.


The Omnidroid 5 killed Gazerbeam and Stormicide. It was later defeated by Gamma Jack.


  • The sensor cluster concept would be featured in 5's successor and beyond, along with certain enemies in the video game based on the film.
  • This is the first Omnidroid model to deviate from the "v.X#" naming scheme.
  • It was this Omnidroid that fatally injured Gazerbeam, leading to him hiding in a cave and inscribing "KRONOS" on the cave wall, which was later found by Mr. Incredible.

Omnidroid 6[]

Omnidroid 6

The sixth Omnidroid prototype created by Syndrome, after the 5 was destroyed by Gamma Jack.


It features four legs like the previous two models, but with omni-articulated grappling claws. It also features a singular sensor cluster and a spherical body shell.


This robot killed Gamma Jack and fought an unknown Super. It is unknown if it had been defeated at all, but was replaced by the Omnidroid 07 later on, suggesting that it may have been upgraded into the 07 before going up against Mr Incredible.


  • The 6 was the first Omnidroid to feature the distinctive spherical body inherited by subsequent versions.
  • It's unknown if it was Defeated by the super or it killed other supers

Omnidroid 07[]


The seventh prototype is the robot whose schematics Mr. Incredible was shown in Mirage's message. This was the version immediately before the one Mr. Incredible fought, and was used as the basis for it.


The 07 has the defining set of features that would be inherited by the subsequent units, most particularly the five legs with four-fingered claws and bi-polar sensor clusters, and possibly the ability to collapse into a sphere and roll around like a ball.


Before Mr. Incredible came to Nomanisan Island for the first time, the Omnidroid 07 was either destroyed, retired, or was upgraded to the Omnidroid v.8. It is also unknown if it was pitted against and/or had killed any Supers.

Omnidroid v.8[]

Article: Omnidroid v.8


The Omnidroid v.8 is the eighth of the robots built by Syndrome. This was the robot that fought Mr. Incredible when he was first on the island. He was able to shut down the robot without destroying it, as asked by Mirage.


According to the technical specifications shown to Mr. Incredible by Mirage on the way to Nomanisan Island, the Omnidroid 08 has five bisymmetrical, segmented legs with four-fingered grappling claws (that can also be spun like buzzsaws) for pentilateral movement, bi-polar sensor clusters, and revision 4.0 of the artificial intelligence programming. Plus, like the Omnidroid 07, it can collapse itself into a sphere and roll itself around for faster movement. This is the only Omnidroid to be shown to have had bright blue optic visors on its sensor clusters. Its thick, near-impenetrable armor could also withstand the heated temperatures of molten lava.

In the video game based on the film, the Omnidroid 08 is also shown to fire lasers from the visors of its sensor clusters, with a laser that leaves a fiery trail from the upper sensor, and a rapid-fire burst from the lower sensor. It could also collapse its sensor clusters and spin itself like a buzzsaw to try and cut the target with its spinning claws.


It was fought by Mr. Incredible when he had first come to Nomanisan Island, apparently sent there for a mission to deactivate the robot when it had supposedly "gone rogue". Their battle took them to a volcanic crater, where he managed to pull off its lower sensor cluster, toss it into the lava, and climb into the innards of the robot. The v.8 punched holes in its own armor in a vain attempt to remove Mr. Incredible, but it only damaged itself severely. Mr. Incredible then tossed away the upper sensor cluster, before luring it into tearing out its own power core, shutting down the robot.

Omnidroid v.9[]

Article: Omnidroid v.9

Omnidroid 9

The Omnidroid v.9 is the ninth prototype Omnidroid, heavily modified from the previous v.8 after it was defeated by Mr. Incredible.


The v.X9 has omnidirectional, trans-universal articulation, bi-polar sensor clusters, and a new version of the artificial intelligence. It also has orange optic visors on its sensor clusters.


A vast improvement on the v.8, this Omnidroid easily defeated Mr. Incredible, and would have finished him off were it not for its creator intervening to reveal himself to his former childhood hero. The robot was never defeated, but it was used as the basis for the Omnidroid v.10. It is unknown what happened to it afterwards.

Omnidroid v.10[]

Article: Omnidroid v.10

Omnidroid v

The pinnacle of the Omnidroid series, the Omnidroid v.10 was designed by Syndrome for the final stage of Operation Kronos. It is the largest, smartest and deadliest version of the Omnidroids, proving more than a match for any one Super, even its own creator.


The Omnidroid v.10 is very similar to the v.X9, but with new modifications to make it even more dangerous. In addition to its increased size, Syndrome added a sixth leg to its body and laser guns on the sides of the robot's sensor clusters. In addition, its claws have been modified with rocket boosters, allowing the Omnidroid v.10 to launch its appendages for use as projectiles. In the video game, it was shown to be able to fire incendiary and rapid-fire laser beams from its sensor clusters, similar to the Omnidroid 08.


It was deployed via rocket to attack the city of Metroville, where Syndrome would then go up against it in a fake fight, and use the remote control on his wrist to "defeat" it and get all the glory for the victory, as part of his long-term plan to sell his inventions to the world, eventually making his customers equally "Super" and rendering the term meaningless. However, the robot turned on Syndrome when it noticed the remote control - identifying the device as a threat to itself, it blasted the remote away before knocking its creator unconscious. It was then fought and defeated by Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, and Frozone. It was destroyed when one of its own claws was fired at it by the heroes using Syndrome's remote, tearing out its brainpan. The robot's body fell into a lake and exploded.

Disney Infinity[]

These Omnidroids appear in The Incredibles Play Set as enemy toys to be fought. Unlike the Omnidroids from the film, they can be defeated with just a few hits. They are also mass-produced, instead of one-off prototypes like in the film. There are four different types of these Omnidroids;


These are the most common variations, fighting in droves. They fight using only melee attacks, and nothing else.  Their design is almost completely identical to that of the Omnidroid v.X2, but implements a sensor cluster, and has a battery cover on its back held in place by a screw. In certain clips in the Disney Infinity: Action! app, a much smaller version of this type of Omnidroid is featured.

Melee Omnidroid[]

They are similar in appearance to the standard Omnidroid toy, but the segments on their arms are bladed, along with razor-sharp scissor claws, for cutting up its enemies. In Disney Infinity 2.0, they are also shown to be capable of blocking attacks by the player with their arms.

Ranged Omnidroid[]

This type of Omnidroid attacks using a pair of cannon arms that can be used as flamethrowers at close range or missile launchers from longer distances. Their design is different, featuring a body like a canister with a red, t-shaped visor. Concept art showed that these enemies were also slated to be capable of deploying robotic bombs that would pursue the player, but this concept was scrapped.

Tank Omnidroid[]

This variation is the heavy-hitter among the Omnidroids, armed with powerful arms and high-powered laser beams that they fire from their visors. They also boast heavier armor, making them more durable. They have a large, hulking design resembling a fattened version of the basic Omnidroid.

Unused Concepts[]

There was to be a rocket that would crash down onto the field, and open up like a Pez dispenser, deploying Omnidroids. In addition, early concept art of the enemies showed imitations of the v.X1 and v.X2. The imitations of the v.X2 would be re-used for the design of the standard and Melee Omnidroids in the final game. In addition, one of the imitations of the v.X1 featured a single sensor cluster, and the others suggests that this type of Omnidroid could adjust its own height, along with some sort of weapon concealed in beneath the cap of its torso, and has a wind-up key on its back. They're also shown to have wheels instead of the continuous tracks mentioned in the v.X1's specifications, but then again, the tank treads in the computer graphic looked more like wheels.


  • In The Incredibles Socks, a stuffed Bully doll from For the Birds plays the Omnidroids.
  • Pixar received permission from Lucasfilm to use the term Omnidroid, as Lucasfilm owns a trademark for droid. This was shown in the film's end credits.
  • They are the first robots to appear in a Pixar film, unlike Robot from the Toy Story films, who is a toy robot rather than a real one.
  • In the "New Nomanisan" trailer for the Blu-Ray release of the film, the Omnidroids act as employees for the New Nomanisan island resort after it was converted for the Vanquished Villains Redevelopment. These Omnidroids, coming in various sizes with either four or five legs and singular sensor clusters, were reprogrammed for a number of roles on the island resort, from masseuses to tour guides, camp counselors, and even hula dancers.
  • The "Omni-" prefix in the name is Latin for "all" or "every", a reference to the robot's versatility in any field, especially the one for which it was created; killing superheroes.
  • Omnidroids are very similar to the eponymous mecha from the Metal Gear series, as they are both types of mechanized weapons that are designed to wreak havoc on mankind (save for Metal Gear REX during the events of Metal Gear Solid 4). However, unlike the Omnidroids, some Metal Gears can be piloted by a person, depending on the recent Metal Gear's design. In addition, the Omnidroids are not equipped with nuclear weaponry.
  • The computer graphics for v.X1, v.X4, and the v.X9 were featured as stickers in a Level Kit of the movie in the PS3 game, LittleBigPlanet. The Level Kit has since been discontinued on June 5th, 2012.
  • The Omnidroid in The Incredibles similar T-800 in Terminator.


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