The Incredibles Wiki

Screenslaver's Lair is an apartment which serves as Screenslaver's base of operations.


The lair is on an upper floor of an apartment building in New Urbem.

Incredibles 2[]

While Elastigirl is being interviewed at a remote location by Chad Brentley, she picks up a signal pointing her in the direction of Screenslaver's lair. She cuts the interview short and begins to make her way towards the apartment block where the lair is contained within. She turns herself into a hang-glider and flies among highways and buildings, eventually landing on the rooftop of the apartment where Screenslaver is hiding. She looks through the lair, findings many items related to hypnosis as well as plans such as the one used for the el train incident.

Just after entering a seemingly empty room, a man dressed in black approaches from behind, who is revealed to be the Screenslaver. A fight ensues, with Elastigirl and Screenslaver trying to neutralise each other. After about a minute of fighting, Screenslaver tries to escape, triggering a fire alarm so that Elastigirl runs into other residents. She chases him through the building, eventually cornering him and tackling him out of a window. She turns herself into a parachute and floats to the ground with Screenslaver in her hands. She pulls off his mask, only to reveal a young man who has no idea where he is or what happened, though Elastigirl does not believe him, and turns him into the police.

The following night, it was revealed that Evelyn Deavor was using the lair to house Screenslaver and to store her plans for using him. She later told Elastigirl that the man used by Evelyn was a pizza delivery boy, and that he was surly, and her pizza was delivered cold. The apartment which contained the lair was not seen again after Screenslaver was caught.
