The Incredibles is a comic-book adaptation of the 2004 Pixar animated feature-length film, The Incredibles. It started in 2009, and it ended in 2010. It was published by "Boom! Studios" and "Disney • Pixar". There are nineteen issues in total for the series.
The world's favorite family of superheroes finally returns in this pulse-pounding collection! The Incredibles face a terrifying villain named Futur10n, a robotic menace from the future. But can the Parr family successfully defend Metroville when Bob must hide a troubling secret from his costumed clan?
The Incredibles launches an all-new story arc written by legendary scribe Mark Waid with covers by Matt Wagner! Take a quick glimpse at the recent past and witness the action-packed birth of everyone's favorite super-powered baby-Jack-Jack! But labor pains were never this difficult! The Parrs will have to fight through a phalanx of evil before the new addition to their family can safely arrive!
When Dash's impulsive action put his sister Violet in harm's way, Mr. and Mrs. Incredible ground him -- and take away his powers! Dejected and powerless, Dash stumbles into the knowledge that his teachers are actually mind controlling aliens from beyond the galaxy! But neither parent believes Dash. So when he finds that the sinister invaders have already compromised his family, can a powerless Dash get to the bottom of things... or is the earth doomed?
Mrs. Incredible faces an unwelcome figure from her past plotting to destroy all of Europe; what's worse, they share a secret history she doesn't want Mr. Incredible finding out! Will the mysterious Mirage keep her secret, and can she be trusted to watch Mrs. Incredible's back? Meanwhile, Mr. Incredible and Frozone take it upon themselves to train Dash, and Violet makes a mistake that may have unexpected consequences for the Parr
The Parr family is no stranger to secrets... they hide their identity from the people around them every day...but the secrets they keep from each other may tear the family apart. Secrets the Underminer is all too aware of... and willing to reveal.
Dedicating a new submarine, Mr. Incredible is interrupted by the dastardly Bomb Voyage who is intent on crushing the crowd of onlookers underneath the sub! Mr. Incredible's struggle to save the day has him questioning his powers could something be wrong?
Meanwhile, Bob tells Jack-Jack a bedtime story that has Violet and Dash calling foul: this battle from his glory days seems too amazing to be true. Then, on a visit to the park, Jack-Jack uses his powers to overcome a worthy opponent!
Three original stories are set during and after Disney Pixar's The Incredibles 2 feature film!
Interwoven with the events of the film, the kids of The Incredibles super family, Violet, Dash, and Jack-Jack, have adventures of their own in two tales where they balance their everyday lives with being secret Superheroes.
While their mom and dad--Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl--are both taking on new and very different jobs, Dash and Violet are doing their best to help out! First, Dash and Violet become sudden and secret superheroes when they interrupt criminal activity on a routine grocery trip to pick up some essentials! Then, helping out at home, their efforts to keep up on their chores are unknowingly obstructed by the innocent mischief of their little brother, Jack-Jack!
It's tough being a teenager, and on top of that, a teenager with super powers! Violet feels out of place at school and doesn't fit in with the kids around her . . . until she meets another girl at school--an outsider with powers, just like her! Is this the beginning of a beautiful friendship? Or are powers not the only thing her friend is keeping secret?